Good morning and welcome to the #trending in video blog brought to you by Best Made Videos®. Thanks for checking out our video marketing blog where you try to bring you all the latest industry news in the world of video production and videography. We are a Seattle wedding and live event videography company and hopefully whether you are in the Pacific Northwest or beyond, you can find some useful tips to apply to your own video production. Today we are looking at an article from whether they have gathered 14 leading video industry minds to bring you some useful tips of how you ramp up your video marketing in the coming year and beyond.
The article beings that video marketing continually shows what a successful technique it is to bring new and useful information to your audience. People engage more readily with video, studies have shown, and because of this fact video needs to be an immediate and relevant addition to your business’s marketing efforts.
They note that even though all of these studies and user feedback points to the importance of video on online digital marketing, many businesses have only begun to incorporate video creation into their marketing strategy. Because of this, Forbes thought it was important to gather some expert opinions to share their thoughts and beliefs about how to improve your video marketing efforts.
The first video tip they recommend is to highlight your satisfied customer. This could be a great way to create some relevant and concise video content that will resonate with your target viewership. As we’ve touched about in other articles on our video blog, customers nowadays crave authenticity from the brands that they choose to shop with and there is no more authentic piece of video content you can deliver than a satisfied video testimonial from a happy customer.
You should also be using your video content to educated and tell stories about your business and the services you offer. Strive to create natural looking and authentic videos that don’t have a lot of advertising materials embedded in it. You don’t want to bombard your customer with ads, but rather you want to educate and entertain your customer with the video content you are creating and sharing with them.
Focus your video content on building a human connection with your audience. One of the main reasons why people connect so much with video content is because of the connection they feel watching it. Make sure your videos are authentic and conversational to build the strongest bond with your video audience.
When looking to create branded video content, make sure that video content is created for your intended audience. Many times brands focus on creating video for themselves, rather than creating video content that will appeal to the audience they are trying to connect with. Be mindful of your video content and make sure it is worth the time to watch that you are asking your audience to invest in.
Use your video content to talk about the benefits of your business or product rather than features. People don’t shop with a brand because of features, they choose a service because of the benefits that it has on their own life. Therefore when you are looking to create video content talking about your brand or messaging, you should focus on the benefits your video viewer will see by choosing to go with your company rather than another.
The authenticity of your video should always trump the quality of it. Not that you don’t want to focus on creating high quality video content, but as we’ve mentioned before audiences today crave authenticity and sometimes seeing too much overly produced video content can be a turn off rather than a turn on.
Your video content should also be short, and to the point. In our chaotic world that we live in attention is limited and you want to make sure that people are viewing your video content in full to get the most out of your messaging. There’s no point devoting hours of time to creating high quality video content only to have your audience lose attention halfway through and lose the message you were trying to convey in the first place.
With the increased use of mobile video content consumption, you should always focus your video content on mobile first, as a way to get the most bang for your buck. That includes utilizing soundless video content, which we’ve talked about before on the #trending in video blog. This also means really honing in on the messaging you want to convey in your video content so that your audience can easily digest it while on the go.
The final video marketing tip that they provide, and one that we can certainly agree with as a Seattle based video production company is to hire talented video filmmakers. According to the article poor production quality is no longer an option if you are looking to stand out from your competition. You should focus on building your video content by hiring a high quality video production company to lead the way. People are smart nowadays and will be turned off by low quality video content, no matter how authentic the message is. Invest your time, energy and money effectively when you begin crafting your video content creation strategy and you won’t regret it!
This was another really great video marketing article from and I really appreciate all of the time they put in talking about video marketing as it relates to 2020 and beyond. I hope whether you are based in Seattle or beyond, they are hopefully some great video tips that you can utilize in your own video production to attract new viewers and see growth in your own business as well. Thanks again for stopping by the #trending in video blog and I hope you check back next week for some more video production tips and tricks. Thanks and stay safe!