Hey, everybody. Welcome to the #trending in video blog brought to you by Best Made Videos®. This is our regular video marketing blog, where we keep you up to date on all the latest tips and trends that you can utilize in the world of videography and video production. We are a Seattle based wedding videography company that also focuses on live event videography and small business videography and this video marketing blog is a great resource where we scour the internet for all sorts of different educational blogs, talking about different video tips and techniques that you can incorporate into your own video production strategy. Today, we are looking at three different articles. The first is from business2community.com, the second is from the Atlanta Small Business Network, and the third is from forbes.com.
The first video blog we are looking at today is talking about video marketing design mistakes that could be holding you back. The article begins that when it comes to going about the process of creating videos, you can't neglect design. In a noisy landscape with all sorts of different brands competing for the attention of their audience, ou can't afford to put less than stellar video content out there in the world and that includes the design aesthetic of the videos that you are creating. Having a well-designed video will help you attract new viewers and it will also keep your existing video viewers coming back. All the while his will deliver a consistent branded experience for your audience each and every time. If you have poorly designed videos, however, you can derail your video marketing efforts very easily. Your video marketing design should be well thought out, and you should also be sure to include that in your overall video branding. Part of this includes design elements, which help your audience instantly recognize your videos as part of your brand. And this also helps add brand authenticity to each of your videos. Potential viewers of your videos will gravitate towards those specific videos that check off a number of boxes, including being high quality, having strong visual branding, having engaging content and having great design. They list five common video marketing design mistakes that a lot of people encounter when they are creating video content for their audience.
Number one is not choosing the right video tools and they note that choosing the wrong video tools can be the difference between having a poorly designed video and a well-designed video. This is also the difference between a campaign that flops and one that succeeds in gaining new video viewers and loyal customers. The choice of tools that you use should be scalable, so you can easily create marketing videos at scale. What does this mean? It means that the tools you use automatically generate videos that are size optimized for different social media platforms, which will save you valuable time, which you would regularly have had to use editing your videos. If you design videos to scale to each of your social media platforms, that will give you the power to create a large number of videos quickly, and will also allow you to keep up with the 24 hour social media news cycle. The tools that you are using for your video content should also take some of the design aspect out of your hands, so you don't have to doubt every visual design decision you make in creating your videos.
Number two, they know that your video should not be too long. Viewers consume brand information in small bite sized chunks and the videos that they watch are no exception. You should make sure your video content is short sweet, and to the point, and having a good length of video is integral to your video campaign strategy. To maximize the number of video views that you get and to keep your audience engaged, you should try to keep your videos under 30 seconds in length in most cases. Storytelling videos, those that you use to add depth to your brand can be a little bit longer up to one minute in video length.
You can't forget about contrasting colors, this is the number three tip that they mention. To help your video stand out, you should use contrasting colors in your videos. Videos with contrasting color are eye-catching and attention grabbing and there are also the ones that are most successful used in online marketing campaigns. Use contrast in color in your video designs too add pops of color. A colorful well thought out video design will work wonders for the intro and outro of your video. Additionally, you should utilize pops of color in the video production itself. Outside of the different graphic design elements that you are using in your video, you should also think about how you can use contrasting colors with your on camera video subjects. For example, if you are creating a product video, do so with colors in mind. You should have the product contrast with the background, you really want the color to really pop on your video. Even if it's a bright red shoe on the model's foot, try to use a white background to give the most contrast in your video. They also recommend Adobe color, which is an easy, free digital video color tool that can help you choose the perfect color palette for your video design. You can also choose from a variety of combination styles like compound colors, monochromatic, et cetera. That is a great way to get fresh ideas for your color palette or a slightly new one if you are planning to rebrand through your video.
The fourth topic they talk about for your video content strategy is making sure that your text is not too hard to read. Almost all of the videos that you create will need at least some text to add context to the video and to your brand. The texts that you're using in your video needs to be big enough and clean enough to easily read even in the middle of someone's scrolling through content on social media. If the message grabs your viewer's attention easily, they are going to be much more likely to stop and watch the video that you have created. Viewers who scroll by and pause to watch your videos on silent are also going to benefit if you have well-designed texts in your vide, if your font is too hard to read on your video, however, they are probably going to scroll past, choose a font for your videos that is easy to read, and you don't need to do anything too fancy. Basic fonts like Ariel and Times New Roman are all great industry standard choices for video content, they will all look great and feel familiar to your video audience, and they won't require much extra processing to read on video. You should opt out of cursive fonts and overly complicated choices for the text on your videos, you don't want your viewers to leave your video because they had to think too hard about what was going on with your font.
The fifth topic they talk about here is the fact that most video creators are only focusing on desktop video views. If you are focusing on desktop video views in your video design, you are missing out on over half of your potential traffic, that is because mobile usage, traffic accounts for 53% of all internet traffic. Even if you are editing your video on a larger screen, you're going to need to make sure that your video is mobile friendly as well. You'll want your video to have the ability to reach viewers on all devices and not just those clicking with a mouse on their desktop. You should be using a high number of vertical videos that are mobile friendly, especially on video sharing platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. You are going to need lots of video content for a lot of these social media sites as they only last for 24 hours. If you use a balanced mix of vertical and horizontal videos, you will help reach new video viewers on desktop and mobile. The conclusion they leave with this video marketing article is that great video design is crucially important to the success of your video marketing, because it's going to attract potential video viewers and keep your audience coming back for more. You want viewers to recognize the, your videos brand design at a glance, and you should make sure your video aesthetic has a consistent and professional feel and look. If you are wanting to save time on your design of your videos, use a template to speed up and streamline your video content creation process, saving time on the front end of creating videos means you'll be able to turn out more high quality well-designed videos, which will help keep your audience engaged and improve results in sharing your videos. That is some great advice that they have talked about in the article about video marketing and definitely some ideas that we can put into place in our own Seattle based video creation strategy.
The next article where we are looking at is from the Atlanta Small Business Network, and they are talking all about where to use your video content. The President of SCB video TV marketing brings some great tips on where to use your video content to help promote business. She poses the question that if you all already have a video that you've created for your business, where are the best ways to share that video and how can you utilize it to get the most bang for your buck? The first suggestion she lists on where to promote your video is on your own website and notes that people love going to websites that have videos on them. The second tidbit she mentions is sharing your videos on social media platforms. She notes that digital plus video right now is going to yield the biggest return on any video marketing investment. So definitely if you have a video, put it on the various social media platforms at your disposal, you can also use your videos in direct email marketing, or you can even embed your videos into corporate presentations. If you have a video for your business, don't just focus on running it on television as a commercial, but rather use the video on the many platforms that you have that are going to reach millions of people every day. This is just a short article talking about just some other various strategies that you have at your disposal for sharing the videos that you create and again, it's always important to diversify the various platforms in which you are choosing to share the videos that you are creating.
The third article we are looking today is from forbes.com and they are talking all about making video and effective part of your COVID-19 marketing strategy. The article begins that leaning into digital should be a major rallying cry for companies right now. Studies are showing that 80% of consumers during the coronavirus outbreak have consumed more content than they ever have before. To delve deeper video, is a type of content that these consumers want and it's estimated that by the year 2022, 82% of all content created online will be video, and by the end of 2020, the average person is going to watch 100 minutes of video per day.
The author of this video marketing article attended several online events last week and took some valuable marketing strategies and hopes to share them today. Two of the articles that the author attended were the Microsoft Biz App Summit, and IBM's Think 2020, both of those events used a lot of video and while they each approached the process differently, the incorporation of an engaging video strategy made tens of hours of content consumption more palatable. People are indeed hungry for content if they have time to consume it and likely when they're at home, they are free to consume at will. In short, video content is the kind of content that people are craving.
While many companies are focusing their attention on digital as a substitute for face to face events, there is a huge opportunity to turn to video as a general means of consumer engagement. The author lists a few strategies to incorporate video into your marketing strategy during the next few months. The first thing you need to focus on is determining a clear goal. While video is becoming wildly popular, that doesn't necessarily mean it will always be successful. A recent study revealed that 45% of video marketing teams have paused or stopped a video campaign midway through this last year, the reason why is most likely because they hadn't established a clear goal for their video marketing. To ensure that your video achieves the results you are looking for, you should make sure that you find time before you create your video content to determine what your end goal really is. Are you are simply looking for engagement, or are you looking to retain customers that you already have? Are you hoping to use your video to share info about what your company is doing right now? You want to make sure that those goals translate to video before you even begin your campaign. You should also make sure you are realistic with consumer content. With consumer demand being down, this is a time to change the expectations you have about what your consumer wants and what you are able to give them through your videos. You also want to make your videos purposeful. Customers are getting inundated with all sorts of video content right now, every single company is wanting to tell their customers what they are doing to keep their products, food, and employees safe during the crisis. In theory, that's a good thing, however, research is showing that 43% of consumers think the COVID-19 messaging that they're receiving all sounds too similar. They note that everyone seems to be copying and pasting the same lines of communication, rather than speaking directly from the heart and trying to differentiate themselves amid all the noise. What can you do to change that? You need to make sure the video content you are creating has a true purpose to communicate. Even beyond having a business goal, the videos that you create need to give something back to your customer. After all embracing this new digital is about customer experience and if your video content is serving you rather than your customer, it's only going to cause irritation. Establish a clear way to engage with your videos, uplift and support your customers.
Your video content also needs to be authentic, video is likely one of the highest probable types of content to go viral. The only way to create that type of video content is to try to be authentic to your brand. Many companies have large video, video budgets and probably big advertising teams but the lesson we needed to take away is how each individual brand is using their voice through video. How can your business use its unique voice to create the kinds of videos that customers don't just want to watch, but they purposely go out of their way to search for and share. You want to make sure you are smart with your video budget, not everybody is Oreo or Budweiser. Maybe you are facing some sort of cutback. As a business you need to realize the marketing investments you are making right now may not pay off in terms of sales. What's important is to keep your budget in mind and rather than creating huge studios, use real people and film things on your phone and you software like iMovie to edit it. The point is, even if you are reducing the amount of money you are spending on your video content, investing in smart video strategy is going to pay off in the end.
The final topic they speak about on in this video marketing blog is to focus on mobile and that certainly something that we've seen a lot on here in the past. During the recent shelter in place, 55% of the people were getting their news from their mobile phones. With that being said, you need to make sure your video content is mobile friendly. You want to make sure you are considering the ease of download and streaming times and consider which platforms you are going to use to upload your video. For instance, YouTube being owned by Google does have some benefits. Youtube video search is integrated across both Google and YouTube. So you get double your search power for the video content you upload.
The final point they end here with is, people want information and support. If the videos that your company's marketing team are putting out can provide help and support in an authentic way, your company will be on the way to recover it. That's something that we've talked a lot about here recently on the #trending in video blog is not only to create high quality engaging video content, but also to make sure that the video content that you are creating is authentic to your brand. I think those were some wonderful video marketing tips that we looked at today through the three various blog articles. I want to thank you again for checking out the #trending in video blog. Hopefully there are some video tips that you can incorporate into your own video marketing strategy. I certainly believe that we here in the Seattle market can do our job to improve our own video content strategy. Thanks again for checking out the blog and stay safe.