Hey everybody. And welcome to the #trending in video blog brought to you by Best Made Videos®. We are a Seattle based wedding and live event videography company. And we use this weekly video marketing blog to keep you up to date on all sorts of tips and tricks that we have found scary me internet, as it relates to the world of videography and video production. Today, we are looking an article from our friends at Brand Equity and they are talking about how video marketing could become the new normal in 2020 and beyond. We will use our videography expertise to analyze the video marketing tips in this article, and hopefully apply them to our own Seattle based videography company. I hope that you find some useful video production and video marketing tips as well for your own video content strategy.
The article begins as the pandemic enforces a new normal on the population, new habits in media consumption will emerge, and they're looking at how these new habits will impact the marketer's playbook. The article notes that it takes 21 days for someone to form a new habit and over the last couple of months with the worldwide pandemic, we have now gone through this three times and are currently entering the fourth set of 21 days. Have we formed new habits they ask ,certainly in digital video consumption, yes. They note that more and more statistics are reinforcing, be digital shift that is being tracked across the industry. If you monitor consumer video consumption across the world and track the data, the numbers clearly show that there is a steady increase in the number of new users who are watching online videos and streaming content, especially in India with over 40 to 50% of audience coverage, increasing their adoption of online video content. There is an increase in video content as well as a big increase in online streaming video content consistently over the last few weeks, Hootsuite has reported similar information from India for April, 2020. They note that with the launch of the video streaming giant YouTube in 2005, and specifically when YouTube launched in India in 2008 video marketing has seen its usage increase dramatically over the last decade. The people in India love video content as a population, which is why they have such a remarkably huge Bollywood industry. Because of the low cost or free content that is available in video form across the web, there has been a rapid adoption for that to happen for digital videos.
They note that the popularity of video marketing has gone hand in hand with the increase in social media use from Snapchat and YouTube to Instagram and Facebook, these video sharing platforms are helping many people and brands become stars while also building their value and giving audiences original video content. From long form full format, video movies to snackable fresh video content available within seconds across the web, this video content can also be accessed across the globe. Video is an incredibly effective and evocative form of content, which is helping to drive the shift of video content marketing to video streaming. According to a recent video marketing survey, which is a survey that we have quoted before, 87% of marketers consider themselves video marketers and use video as a marketing tool. Videos are increasingly becoming consumers favorites and preferred type of content to see from a brand on social media. Consumers expect their brands to communicate and have a life that is telling a story while updating their customer base often with relevant and engaging information. Video is a great way to do that for each and every brand. Because of this, every social network, even LinkedIn that normally focuses on the corporate video world and corporate content is also promoting its platform as a video content sharing site. There's enough and more data to show that videos are delivering the results, even on LinkedIn, as their members have quoted spending over three times more time consuming video content as opposed to static images.
They also note that with the closure of traditional cinemas, as well as outdoor activities, having unique video content on demand at any time across the web has also continued to increase the consumption that they are seeing in users, watching videos around the world. They talk about shoppable videos, which we have also talked about on the #trending in video blog before, which is an interesting and relevant video content format to use on social media. From video content influencers, shoppable media is like a salesperson in a store because it encourages the shopper to buy and purchase the relevant products that are on the video. Shoppable videos, engage the user and evoke emotions conducive to provoking the desire to purchase products and answer a certain reservations or customer my customer might have before they decide to purchase. They ask the question, how are different brands responding to the increased use of video marketing? In just the last month and a half, many brands are continuing to do online marketing campaigns, despite the lockdown. They list a couple of different online video marketing campaigns that they have seen in the last few months. One is for a feature film that was using video marketing to capture moments and promote with a bare bones media budget, while it still managed to capture over half a million user views of their videos on Facebook.
When looking at product videos, they looked at some functional video marketing campaigns that highlighted benefits of a product and saw huge positive user feedback when they shared those videos online. They note that there was a time in which certain stories that are now being shared through online video marketing could never have been conveyed if they were just a single TV ad or a single film. Being able to roll out long lasting and overarching video content over days or weeks is a great way to engage your audience in the products you are trying to promote. They note that the storytelling and evocative communication of video marketing is only truly effective in the video format, and they know that savvy video marketers are riding the wave of this new norm and are ditching what used to be considered highly effective marketing strategies in favor of new, online video marketing.
This was an interesting video marketing article talking mostly about the India media market, but I definitely think that some of these statistics and tips that they are talking about are applicable to us in the Seattle market as well. Consumers have gotten used to consuming as they quoted in the article more than three times as much video content as regular content on social media. So I do really think it's up to us as effective marketers to utilize the video content that we have at our disposal and use that to build the brands that we are trying to increase.
I hope you have found some useful tips for your own video content marketing on the trending in video blog today. Mostly the idea of shoppable videos, which we've talked about before. I think there's a really good takeaway to have, and that's creating bite sized videos that you can share on social media platforms and other online video sharing platforms as a way to entice your consumer base to interact more with your brand. I definitely think some of the companies in the Seattle area can focus on producing some of these videos as well, and hopefully they look to us to develop a video content creation strategy to help them do that. Thanks again for checking out the #trending in video blog for this week. I hope you stay safe and check back next time, thanks again.